Frage "New" Zetor 7211 Electrical Problems



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6245, 7211
Hello. I'm new to the forum and I've already found so much information that's been very helpful. I recently bought a 7211 with known issues, one being a fair number of electrical problems. So, I thought I would start a thread to document them and ask questions along the way. I'm still learning about troubleshooting and repairing 12V electronics (and repairing zetor tractors in general). I have the wiring diagram and reference other modified wiring diagrams (thanks Joachim) I've come across on this site. So, here goes with the first problem.

Only one of the heater fans is working. So, took a look under the roof and here is what I found.

No relays for the blower motors; all 3 relays are gone.

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It looks like the original wiring to the relays may be intact. Hard to say until I check the continuity.

Here are the fan motors.
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Here is how the fan motors are wired. One red and the black are jumped. One yellow is grounded. One yellow is open. One red is connected to the red of the other motor and then connected to the switch. The orange is connected to the orange of the other motor and the switch. The switch is wired to one blue (original?) wire coming from the wire loom and the other two wires go to either the red or orange wires of the blower motor.

So, I would like to return this to as close to the original as possible. I still have to check continuity of all the original wiring. One question I have is whether this is the original wiring on the fan motors? The wiring diagram I have only shows a red and blue wire and a ground.

This is just the first of several problems with the electrical system I will need to fix. I'll post as I go.

By the way, here is the fuse holder. I have another on order.

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Oh yeah, here is a picture of the tractor.

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OMG that look horrible for me...
I think the best way for you will be to make it similar to I have doit years ago at my 5011.

Remove ALL wirings and put them at a big table, then rework it part for part and after that remont it in your Zetor. So you can also clean and derust the tractor. Look at mine - the work is hard, but I now have a realy good tractor. ;)

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