Frage Mysterious diesel leak

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Zetor 8011
Hi everyone, the renovations of my Zetor are going great, but we've been having a weird issue where diesel is dripping out of a weird pipe that's not referenced in the workshop manual. Does anyone here have any idea of:

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1. What is this pipes purpose?
2. Why is there fuel leaking out of it?

Also does anyone have any clear image of how to change the oil of the fuel pump? We are blindly guessing that this could be related to diluted fuel pump oil, but the images in the workshop manual on how to change the oil looks like it was carved into an old stone tablet in the bronze age.

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Thankful for your help!Leaving you some pictures of the renovations to enjoy. This will be a real working tractor on my small farm, running hay and mowing, so the led lights etc may not be period correct, but really practical. It will be getting a decent front loader as well. :). I'll be posting a larger update of the progress later in a different thread.

The embedded video of the drip does not seem to be working, so I'll try to attach it here instead. It worked properly when previewing the post


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Load your video to Youtube and post then the link to your video here - then it will work the easiest way and dont use to much amount of space at our server. ;)

Just check your handbook - this pipe serves as an overflow for the pump housing. This is where diesel comes in when a pump element is leaking or the feed pump is leaking. If you plug the pipe, the diesel would push into the engine - not good. ;)
In addition, if diesel comes in there, your pump is no longer well lubricated because the diesel washes out the oil there.

Other point - Forum will be back later this year, that means the best english Zetor forum will be back. :)
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Hi Joachim,
Thanks for your swift reply! I understand regarding the diesel leak, it's what we where guessing, but weirdly our handbook or workshop manual does not show this pipe on the fuel pump, therefore the confusion. I'll skip the video for now since that question has been answered, but would you or anyone else happen to have an image of which bolt is the drain plug and which is the fill plug for the pump? We're going to try to change the oil first and hope that it's a minor leak that causes the issue before tearing the whole fuel pump apart... o_O

Great to hear regarding Zetorworld! You Germans are great, but google translate leaves a bit to be desired sometimes :cool:

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Stefan Zetor 5718